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About Us


The passion for speed and life shows true in all who choose it as their first love. For those who understand firsthand the beauty of a fast, powerful vehicle, and the joys of letting it run free with the wing – it is a brotherhood. The same camaraderie of spirit that lives in wolf packs who run together and look out for one another.

At Velotac, we believe in the integrity of equal partnership. We trust our clients to know what’s the best for their car, and they trust our integrity in quality. In line with the spirit and passion that Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati approach innovation and product development, Velotac has an unceasing commitment to being the auto-care experts of the industry.

Because we keep our promises.

To our standards.

To our companions.

To living la vita bella to the fullest.

Believe in the passionate pursuit of what truly makes you happy. Let us race together, enjoying the journey to wherever it is our hearts takes us.

Gentlemen, start your engines.